
Christopher Jason Wetherell (Just "Chris" to most.)
I'm currently living in San Francisco, CA
Email: chris [-AT-] massless [-DOT-] org
Twitter: twitter.com/cw
Facebook: facebook.com/chrisw
Google: google.com/profiles/chrisw
Oregonian expatriate in California because I need the sun to live.
Things people should know if I'm injured.
Blood type: AB positiveThe day job...

The thoughts and ideas expressed here are formed entirely of my own opinion and are not representations of the policies or attitudes of whichever team I am leading or work for unless expressly stated as such.
I also find time for...
Some indiepop / shoegazer / electropop music I helped make with some friends. I've also made soundtracks to a couple of short films.(My IMDB Profile)