Looks good on paper.
Was trawling IMDB again recently and was struck by a thought: Hollywood likes a good plan.The following must have felt like bathtub surprises...as obvious and stunning as water displacement was to Archimedes.
Or they'll totally blow. But I hope not. Of course, I think I'll be entertained either way.
For Your Consideration (2006)
Christopher Guest's new do is a spoof on Hollywood itself starring his usual suspects joined by The Office's Ricky Gervais! Can't fail! Right?...
Conversations with Other Women (2005)
Unappreciated stars heaven here... Helena Bonham and Aaron Eckhart get to be all sexually tense and longingly brooding and tempestuous while having their travails and thoughts contrasted by the film's out of sync split-screen format! Oh, how can anyone really know anyone?
The Risk Pool (2006)
Lawrence Kasdan returns! With box office gold Tom Hanks! About a thief and gambler who has to safeguard his son. It's Road to Perdition only with the writer of The Empire Strikes Back. Can't Not Fail.
The Farnsworth Invention (2005)
Aaron Sorkin writes about American History applying his perfect-on-television gift of banter to the very birth of television itself. Greenlit before he finished the title page.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2006)
The timeless comedy classic remade starring certified-money-bringer Owen Wilson and directed by the man who helmed Mean Girls? Pinch me I'm dreaming! During the day!
Untitled Sunshine Project (2006)
"Get me the people who made 28 Days Later. Yeah, sure all of 'em." Danny Boyle and Cilian Murphy are joined by Michelle Yeoh and Rose Byrne in a sci-fi adventure about a team boldly marching toward death in order to save a dying sun! Backers are likely to literally defecate greenbacks.
At 6:30 AM,
magpie said…
oh dear, it seems too early (in the am) for the sarcasm! "can't not fail" - double negative meaning "will fail"?
no projection, i hope. see you soon.
At 3:15 PM,
Lady Lien said…
nha eu achei seu blog ^^ e achei as transformações dos nomes para élfico e hobbit ^^
gostei .. talvez vc não esteja entendendo mas eu sou brasileira falo Português e estava com pouca disposição de escrever em inglês
gothic_otohime@hotmail.com my msn
At 5:14 AM,
Thomas Hawk said…
You CATCHA solution is an unmitigated disaster. I have been unable to post to my blog for six hours. I can no longer use Hello Picasa. When I try to post and type in your bullshit human proof I end up back with "blogger is unable to complete your request."
You have locked millions of bloggers out of their own blogs. Something far worse than blogspam.
Today may finally be the day that I need to get around to moving my blog to Word Press.
What's worse is there is no avenue for assistance with this matter and I'm stuck having to leave a comment on your blog hoping to get some kind of assistance.
At 11:50 AM,
Chris Wetherell said…
Thomas, I've responded to your comment here with a comment on your blog that says the following:
Dear Thomas. I'm responding to a comment you left on my site b/c you were having a problem with some sort of captcha with Blogger.
The comment can be seen here: on massless.org
I'm sorry you're having this issue, but unfortunately I'm not a Blogger engineer any longer and haven't been for months. But you can contact Blogger using their help form. If I'm reading their post at Blogger Buzz correctly then I think they may have tried to address your problem already.
At 1:00 PM,
Nina said…
Será que você vai entender o que digo?
A verdade é que eu não entendo inglês, então vai ser dessa maneira mesmo.
Muito legal o gerador de nomes élficos e Hobbits...
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