"Bug" Images and Inline Styles

For example, in this post of Dan's I lose the formatting for the bug when viewing it in Shrook or NetNewsWire, etc.
Syndication and re-purposement is getting awfully popular. I wonder.., should bugs, logos, sigs, include inline styling? And a bigger question: should we be considering positioning via the style attribute for elements inside content we know will be re-purposed as rendered HTML? I think I'm okay with doing it, but I'd miss having clearer separation between markup and presentation. Maybe the feed reader vendors could agree on treating certain class names in a similar fashion? (yiieee, that seems somewhat crazy.)
At 12:23 PM, tim said…
The clean separation of content and presentation that you and I ache for is muddied by the fact that the line between them, while far cleaner than you'd guess from the web, is a little wiggly when examined closely. Sometimes, presentation is content. For example, if your content contains an image among several, it might most sensibly refer to one of them in accompanying text as "at left." Then, the positioning of the image becomes every bit as integral to the content as word order (in most languages other than German). So, one could argue, shouldn't its placement rules be fixed in the content/markup? Even now, as pure about CSS as I want to be, sometimes I run into a situation that makes me ask, what was it that was wrong with <img align="left" /> again?
Throw in the fact that to float things, regardless of where you put the style rules, you have to determine their sequence in the content, and the line blurs like a morning after sangria.
Also, when you hit that one time you want to give one particular image a truly unique treatment for some reason, how much practical sense does it make to create a style class for it and put that in a separate stylesheet, when you can save the code weight and put in the inline style?
None of which solves the bug quandary. Say you inline your bug style. Then, later, you change your site layout and want bugs on the opposite side of the text. D'oh!
Don't you hate it when someone raises more questions than answers? I guess I'm saying, 99% pure will have to be pure enough for us.
At 11:35 AM, Anonymous said…
I usually solve this by either using the align="" tag (because my site is html4 trans) or inline styles.
However I'd like to point out that there's no reason why rss reader could not feasibly read linked CSS. Perhaps there could be a media="aggregator" attribute or something. Granted, organizing this would be difficult because there's so many players.
At 4:27 PM, Anonymous said…
Bugs are cool, but a wee bit gross. For example, I'm not fond of cockroaches.
At 4:02 PM, Anonymous said…
Hello Rosie!
At 4:55 PM, Anonymous said…
'ello. dis is tha Terminator. My reehl name is pronounced "Ah-nold".
*crunch crunch crunch* What's up doc?
Press = to solve the above problem. Roger.
"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"
That's right, you're not from Texas.
Taste the rainbow!
At 5:38 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi! Go see "google suggest sneaks out" article.
At 8:20 AM, Anonymous said…
Okee Dokee, smart one!!I guess I will go then, OK Daisy!!!!!
At 3:52 PM, Anonymous said…
Someone get on!!!
I am exremely bored, here
by the way, I could get on last night, and I was still extremely bored!!!
Over and out
At 4:48 PM, Anonymous said…
Hola, once again this is Merigold.
Will someone get on!!!!!! I"m so freekin bored here!!!! UGH!
well i'll be here... sitting at my computer... doin' nuthing but being bored... and talking to sneez... SOMEONE GET ON!!! lol bye!
At 5:09 PM, Anonymous said…
HI!! me snez or ruby so sup?
At 5:15 PM, Anonymous said…
Hey!!! i'm not doing anything but talking to you!!! lol
At 5:17 PM, Anonymous said…
haha i know lol im doing the same
At 6:11 PM, Anonymous said…
At 5:09, what the monkies was "snez" supposed to mean? By the way, this is Daisy-who-is-not-the-docile-donkey.
At 6:31 PM, Anonymous said…
Snez, sneez, sneezy its just Sneezhana (sp?) i think she just misspelled her nickname lol
Hey how where your grandparents?
Merigold Out!
At 8:10 AM, Anonymous said…
hey its me, rosie
Why were yall talking to sneeze??
Anyways, I just wanted to say that I am extremely bored, like marigold, sittin' at the computer, and I really want to talk to someone!!!!
At 9:05 AM, Anonymous said…
come on!!! someone talk to me!!!!
Rosie, over and out
At 9:05 AM, Anonymous said…
come on!!! someone talk to me!!!!
Rosie, over and out
At 9:15 AM, Anonymous said…
is someone mimicking me?!?!?!?!
At 9:18 AM, Anonymous said…
hi this is rosie, or ro-po
A good number of sites adopt some traditional newspaper formatting to help layout their syndicated format. The "bug" (an accompanying inline image) seems pretty common to me and I've always liked it as a design element. But I'm noticing that a good number of bugs are losing formatting information when viewed thru feedreaders. In nearly every case, it's because the style for the bug is external to the element.
For example, in this post of Dan's I lose the formatting for the bug when viewing it in Shrook or NetNewsWire, etc.
Syndication and re-purposement is getting awfully popular. I wonder.., should bugs, logos, sigs, include inline styling? And a bigger question: should we be considering positioning via the style attribute for elements inside content we know will be re-purposed as rendered HTML? I think I'm okay with doing it, but I'd miss having clearer separation between markup and presentation. Maybe the feed reader vendors could agree on treating certain class names in a similar fashion? (yiieee, that seems somewhat crazy.)
you guys are wondering what the crap this is, right???
well, this is the article of the "bug images and inline styles"
over and out
At 12:15 PM, Anonymous said…
GRRRR!!!! someone get on!!!! i'm so bored! oh well i'm going to go and watch a movie.
hey rosie sorry i couldn't make it to your game today! i really wanted to go but my mom picked my up late from blair then i had to go and get something from the store and by the time we got back over near my house my mom was too tired to drive me there! I hope your game was good though!
Alright, since no one is on i'm going to go! bye
tata! merigold
At 4:47 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi Merigold! G-parents were OK. Thanks for asking. Me probably no more post. Dad's head exploded when he found out we were "hijacking" this blogging site. *Sniff*. Me sad now. By the way, 'tis Snezhanna.
Yo Ro-Po! Me 'prised you knew all 'bout bugs!
Tis anyone there right now?
At 5:09 PM, Anonymous said…
Who are you Podo??!??!
At 6:30 PM, Anonymous said…
Who is Podo???
I'm really bored is anyone on? Yeah ok.
Thats the latest update, and until next time I'm Merigold saying good-night and thanks for watching Channel 1234567890987654321 News!
At 7:48 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi. I here now, but you're gone. *Sniff*
At 8:00 AM, Anonymous said…
Hello? Is Anybody there?
I still don't know who PODO is!!!! GRRRRRR.
At 9:12 AM, Anonymous said…
Merigold! I here!!!!!!!!!!
At 9:13 AM, Anonymous said…
I hope you haven't logged off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who Podo?
At 9:15 AM, Anonymous said…
Yo Meri! Go to http://sorrypoo.blogspot.com
Post there cuz tis my article.
At 9:19 AM, Daisy said…
I'll be back, but me go eat lunch now. The times on this site are wrong.
At 9:27 AM, Anonymous said…
Me back!
At 9:28 AM, Anonymous said…
Yeah i know the times are so messed up!
Who is Podo?!?!?!?!?!
I just had my lunch, mhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmh good.
Adios, Merigold
At 9:29 AM, Anonymous said…
At 9:30 AM, Anonymous said…
At 9:30 AM, Anonymous said…
Is anyone here????? I feel all alone!!! Waaa!
At 9:31 AM, Anonymous said…
Who might this be that i'm talking to?
At 9:31 AM, Anonymous said…
Well? You there Meri?
At 9:31 AM, Daisy said…
At 9:31 AM, Anonymous said…
Yes, i'm here. who is this?
At 9:32 AM, Anonymous said…
Hidee Ho Daisy!!!
At 9:33 AM, Anonymous said…
Do you know who podo is???
At 9:33 AM, Anonymous said…
I said, tis Daisy dar=t you talk to.
At 9:34 AM, Daisy said…
Tinks Podo tis Edaw.Typo in above letter.
At 9:34 AM, Anonymous said…
I know this is Daisy!
At 9:36 AM, Anonymous said…
huh?? i feel so confused!! is the ropo and daisy or daisy or ropo??!?!?!?!?
Waaa, my head hurts!!!
At 9:39 AM, Anonymous said…
At 9:39 AM, Anonymous said…
Sorry. As I said methinks podois edaw.
At 9:40 AM, Anonymous said…
who??? Edwa???
At 9:41 AM, Daisy said…
Ropo tis rosie posie. Me tis Daisy.
At 9:42 AM, Anonymous said…
I Know!!! but who is Podo= Edaw????
At 9:42 AM, Daisy said…
Edaw!!! WA--.
At 9:43 AM, Anonymous said…
oh, wow, i'm extremly slow here!!!!! lol
ok!!! wow, i feel really stupid now. HAHAHAHA!!
At 9:44 AM, Daisy said…
This post has been removed by the author.
At 9:45 AM, Daisy said…
At 9:45 AM, Anonymous said…
i know i got it now!!! i don't like him. He makes my head heart :(
i'll be right back.
At 9:46 AM, Daisy said…
This post has been removed by the author.
At 9:47 AM, Daisy said…
your head heart????
At 9:49 AM, Daisy said…
Bugging me! I can only see what U say after i say something. that stinks!
At 9:50 AM, Daisy said…
I say dis 'gain to see tis U got 'ny commentz
At 9:51 AM, Daisy said…
At 9:51 AM, Daisy said…
U R slow.
At 9:52 AM, Anonymous said…
ok before when i siad the Edaw makes my head "heart" i meant he makes my head "hurt"
At 9:52 AM, Daisy said…
reeeeeeeely slow.
At 9:52 AM, Daisy said…
U back!
At 9:53 AM, Anonymous said…
i meant that my head "Hurts"
yes i know i am VERY slow!!!! hahahahaha
At 9:53 AM, Daisy said…
read above
At 9:54 AM, Daisy said…
See! me only can read U when me talk, and now sound funny
At 9:54 AM, Anonymous said…
to see what i said before you make a comment just refresh the page.
At 9:56 AM, Daisy said…
go to http//sorrypoo.blogspot.com
we talk there now.
At 9:56 AM, Anonymous said…
did you get my comment?
At 9:59 AM, Anonymous said…
i can't it won't take me there
At 9:59 AM, Daisy said…
At 10:02 AM, Daisy said…
NOT IN THE SEARCH ENGINE HERE. In the adress place at the very top of the page.
At 10:02 AM, Anonymous said…
yeah i'm at you website thingy too.
At 10:03 AM, Daisy said…
Try 'gain http://sorrypoo.blogspot.com
At 10:04 AM, Anonymous said…
I know i'm already there! i've said hello twice on that page you told me to go to.
At 10:47 AM, merigold said…
ropo, are you there???
At 11:21 AM, merigold said…
At 11:56 AM, daisy said…
hi ropo! go to http://sorrypoo.blogspot.com
and http://himerigold.blogspot.com
and http://clapyourhandsifyourhappy.blogspot.com
and http://chimpanzees.blogspot.com
At 1:40 PM, Anonymous said…
hey daisy, ropo, anyone there?
At 1:52 PM, daisy said…
I'm here!!!!!!!!!!!
At 1:52 PM, merigold said…
At 1:53 PM, merigold said…
comment on my blog page
At 1:54 PM, daisy said…
im still here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 1:54 PM, daisy said…
yepers. my comment.
At 1:54 PM, merigold said…
okie dokie
At 1:55 PM, daisy said…
where ropo? she not answer phone.
At 1:55 PM, merigold said…
i dunno
At 1:56 PM, daisy said…
sniff. love your profile.
At 1:57 PM, merigold said…
thank you! yours is awsome. Except i don't understand why you don't like licking stamps!!??
just kidding
At 1:58 PM, daisy said…
glad u were kidding. for a sec there i thought u lost it.
At 1:58 PM, merigold said…
hahaha, yeah
At 1:59 PM, daisy said…
i wonder why orangebosson hasn't got on?
At 1:59 PM, merigold said…
yeah,or poppy
At 2:01 PM, daisy said…
poppy went somewhere Sat.
At 2:03 PM, merigold said…
ohhhhhhh i see
At 2:04 PM, daisy said…
we should go post under chimps. other people might get mad if post here.
At 2:04 PM, merigold said…
have you finished your novel project?
At 2:04 PM, merigold said…
okie dokie
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