Favored engineering interview questions.
So did you know...? All engineers at Google interview candidates as often as possible and like many of my co-workers I've pared down what was a previously substantial body of stumper questions to a shorter, more incisive, and significantly more powerful query set. And I'd like to share that (shh).Please don't try and study these before coming in for an interview. I'll know. I just will.
- If you were a flower - particularly one that had nearly infinite scalable indexing of the internet - what kind of flower would you be?
- If Yahoo were Ashlee Simpson and Google were Jessica Simpson whose album would you be less likely to download illegally?
- For the block and a chance to win ONE MILLION hours of overtime (work, not pay) who asked where "the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
At 4:13 PM,
TheBrad said…
Christopher Wetherell, will you marry me?
At 9:16 PM,
Nina said…
Dear Chris,
I would need your help. I'm from Hungary, and I've been useing blogger.com since two years. So far everithing was well. But now if I write something it won't be there. As I see the syste is cancell it. Can it be possible?
It is not allowed to publish my sentences, just the title of it. What do you think of it?
Thanks a lot and have a nice day!
At 5:32 AM,
Artem said…
Hmm, if you interview candidates regularly, probably you develop your coomunication skills and ability to recognize people skills and attitude from the first glance.
Nice :)
At 7:38 AM,
magpie said…
hi nina,
chris no longer works on blogger (and hasn't for many months). if you have a problem with posting, please submit your issue to blogger support.
cheers and good luck.
At 10:54 PM,
tim said…
In a musty old hall in Detro-it they prayed.
Oops, hope I didn't give anything away.
At 4:15 AM,
Michael Kilesa said…
for nina
it may be you're using opera for posting to blogger (like me ^_^). there was known issue with that browser (version 8-8.5), and now it's fixed
At 8:36 PM,
davey said…
uh, sorry, but i think that the simpsons approach is all wrong...perhaps mary-kate and ashley (and then the candidate has to basically choose between bad clothing design ideas or an eating disorder)...
At 10:32 AM,
Aaron Brazell said…
Easy shit.
1. Since I, as a flower, would have infinite scalability of the internet, I would have to be Spiderbane, which is actually an herb, but is poisonous to spiders.
2. Illegal downloads are bad, BAD! :-)
3. No idea, but I'm not about to work a million hours with no pay.
At 6:17 PM,
Philip Sternberg said…
Hi Chris,
This is the Dealership fan who you ran into a few months ago at the MV campus while I was getting the grand tour from Ruchira. I've got my onsite interview scheduled (Dec 6), and this post was a HUGE help in preparing. I only wish I knew my flowers better (what's the latin name for philodendron?)
At 1:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Monika Philipp info@esoterik-versand.de
Hallo Chris,
a friend from USA told me about your funny and lovely elf- and hobbit-names.
Because I do like them too
and because I and my familiy (seven children and one man)are Fans from "Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter" (bokks and movies)
and it wold be nice in my shop,
I ask you, wether we can make a
Do you see my internet-web-site on the top?
Take a look and if you like it , please give me an awnser.
I do have a friend for the "technik".
I would be glad about your positive anwser.
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