The Things I Learn

"I hate every bone in your body but mine."And I was surprised, surprisingly.
Someone in the room: There's a fine line between stupidity and genius.
Dan: That lyric lives on both sides of that line.
"I hate every bone in your body but mine."And I was surprised, surprisingly.
by Chris Wetherell
San Francisco, California, United States
Read my starred items in Google Reader
At 2:23 PM, Anonymous said…
It's "I hate every bone in your body but mine."
At 6:36 PM, Chris Wetherell said…
And armed with this knowledge, you're posting anonymously why? :)
Kidding... I know it's probably cuz Blogger's comments posting interface sucks rocks. Hmm... what can I do about that?...
Nevertheless, I have corrected the line accordingly.
At 10:54 AM, Anonymous said…
Yes, partly out of principle, and partly out of laziness, I haven't registered to comment. In fact, I strongly dislike registering for anything, but BugMeNot usually resolves such situations.
Nevertheless, the hurdle will not stop me from (eventually) owning up to my comment.
Ken Pratt(aka Mr. Anonymous)
At 11:07 PM, Eric said…
I love the line, and I love the reaction to it. This is a (nearly) perfect blog post. I love the web.
- Eric
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