Quotations from Fictional Code Reviews That Indicate The Programmer Suffers From Schizophrenia.
"I'm uncomfortable in general with this node traversal. It's a lot like throwing a hand grenade into a group of children.""Your ProfileManager class would be greatly improved if it adopted a concept from pinball. I recommend multiball."
"You don't seem to consider the effect this change would have on our nation's waterfowl. Also, consider other nation's waterfowl."
"Don't detect nulls. Instead, try having them be self-detectable."
"I think Hitler once wrote this."
At 1:03 PM,
yahooza said…
"Null pointers is a real engineering position."
At 6:01 AM,
James Carr said…
Nice ... now I have some good things to say about the work of my co-workers, he he he.
At 10:39 PM,
Primezero Labs said…
bwahahah! :O) funny.
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