Releasing a record and playing tonight
There are these day and night thingies and I recalled too late that I was expected to sleep during one of them. So, I'll be heading into tonight's Citizens Here and Abroad show slightly jetlagged but without the benefit of having travelled. Not worried, though, I can catch sleeping during{zzz}
Shit. Sorry, nodded off. Ok, so in addition to just having fun playing at a familiar favorite there's bands I'm dying to see.
Thee More Shallows
A great band, beautiful songs, and gracious people. I'll see them anywhere.
The following song breaks my heart. For those who don't have time to listen to the slow, desperate, and beautiful build that begins the song you'll hear that it breaks to a payoff at 2 minutes 36 seconds in. "It's the people you choose to leave."
mp3: Where Are You Now?

The following song breaks my heart. For those who don't have time to listen to the slow, desperate, and beautiful build that begins the song you'll hear that it breaks to a payoff at 2 minutes 36 seconds in. "It's the people you choose to leave."
mp3: Where Are You Now?
The Like Young
Amanda and Joe have been making music together forever, they were married in 2002, and they've shaken the roof off of every dive bar they've played. Sadly, this is their last tour and the last time they'll ever play in San Francisco. It's hard to believe no one will ever see Amanda play drums again.
"I hate your money!"
Video: For Money or Love
mp3: I Things Loosen Up
mp3: Nice People

"I hate your money!"
Video: For Money or Love
mp3: I Things Loosen Up
mp3: Nice People
um... then there's us - Citizens Here and Abroad
We're releasing a new album, "Waving, Not Drowning" and there's been nice things said by various people and that's all right with me. We're heading over to NYC and then out on a UK tour for a month, so I don't think we'll get to play in SF again until, like, late October or something. Our new video for Accelerator will be finished soon, in fact, today somewhere near Barstow, California the director is blowing up a car with dynamite as a finalé. Here's our other video from the first album and a couple of new songs off the new album for the downloading and listening.
Video: You Drive and We'll Listen To Music
mp3: Accelerator
mp3: What Goes On In The Heart

Video: You Drive and We'll Listen To Music
mp3: Accelerator
mp3: What Goes On In The Heart
Ok, gotta wrap up some coding and then head over. For those interested here's a map noting Bottom of the Hill and the lineup from earliest to latest is The Like Young, Thee More Shallows, then us.
At 3:19 AM,
Andy M. said…
I would have killed to see Thee More Shallows and you guys tonight, but I'm a few months shy of the 21+ you sent out in your emails. My friend calls me from BotH after I made other plans to say that the show's posted as all ages! You may have won this round, Chris, but I'm not going to let you fool me again.
PS: I disambig'ed the Dealership article for ya'll.
At 7:57 PM,
Ted R. said…
Hey man. I'm just listening to Citizens Here & Abroad for the first time and really enjoying the tracks. Your sound is rich and polyphonic and driving and relaxing.
Add this dog to your mailing list.
At 9:33 PM,
Patricia said…
Hi Chris. Blast from the way back past. You dated my roommate M__ back in college and I took pictures of you on a tennis court. And I stumbled across your blog just now while high on sleep medication and what hey! You're coming to my city! (NYC, that is. And Ambien makes me use exclamation points, apparently.) Anyway, just thought I'd say hello. Congrats on all the success you're having with the band; maybe I'll even come to a show and hide in the back, all unobtrusive-like.
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